Friday, June 5, 2009

The 4 M’s Monitor, Motivate, Mentor or Manage

What will you do this week to help someone on your team move forward? Remember the 4 M’s: Monitor, Motivate, Mentor or Manage.
Monitor someone on the team and decide if they need to be motivated, mentored or managed. If they lack the will, see if you can motivate them with coaching.
If it is a skill issue, perhaps some mentoring from you or a team leader will help. If you chose a leader, make sure you have identified the behaviors you want to encourage and that the “mentor” has them. Talk with the mentor so they know what you expect and hook them both up.
If neither mentoring/training or motivation will work, then you may need to manage the person. Have a candid conversation about where they stand and what needs to happen. You must also be clear about the consequences of not performing. You may find the other person knows they aren’t a fit and you can come to some agreement on a amicable parting.So, what will it be this week, manage, motivate or mentor

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